A basic filter class containing common functionality for all filters.

Inheriting classes should define the following static properties: label, indexField. Inheriting classes may define the following static properties: type.





choices: null | Collection<FilterChoice> = null

A Collection of FilterChoices for this filter.

compendiumBrowser: null | CompendiumBrowser = null

A reference to the CompendiumBrowser this filter is used in.

id: string

The ID of this filter used to identify it in its browser's filters.

TEMPLATE: string = ""

The handlebars template used to render this filter.

indexField: string = ""

The field this filter checks against its choices. Will also be added to the compendiumIndexFields of the document's CONFIG object.


label: string = ""

The label for this filter visible to the user.


type: string = ""

A convenience property to define a single type this filter applies to.

types: string[] = []

The types of document this filter applies to.



  • Check whether an entry matches this filter. If the filter is not active, this will always return true.


    • entry: object

      The entry to check against this filter

    Returns boolean

    • Whether the entry matches this filter


  • Returns whether this filter has more than the given number of choices. Defaults to 1, as a single choice allows for no real filtering.


    • Optional number: number = 1

      The number of choices to check for

    Returns boolean

    • Whether this filter has more than the given number of choices
  • Prepare the choices for this filter. This is called after the compendium browser has gathered its entries. By default, this will generate a list of choices from the index field of all entries in the compendium.

    Returns void

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