A helper class for building MeasuredTemplates for PF1 spells and abilities



  • Parameters

    • document: MeasuredTemplateDocument

      The Document instance which is represented by this object

    Returns AbilityTemplate


active: undefined | boolean
document: any
hitArea: IHitArea
RENDER_THROTTLE: number = 30

Preview movement and rotation re-render throttle time in milliseconds.


  • Activate listeners for the template preview


    • initialLayer: CanvasLayer<CanvasLayerOptions>

      The initially active CanvasLayer to re-activate after the workflow is complete

    Returns Promise<object>

    Returns result object

  • Creates a preview of the spell template


    • event: Event

      The initiating click event

    Returns Promise<object>

  • A factory method to create an AbilityTemplate instance using provided data


    • data: {
          color: undefined | string;
          distance: number;
          flags: undefined | object;
          texture: undefined | string;
          type: "circle" | "rect" | "cone" | "ray";

      Data used to create the template

      • color: undefined | string

        Template color

      • distance: number

        The distance/size of the template

      • flags: undefined | object

        Additional flags stored on the template

      • texture: undefined | string

        Path to template texture

      • type: "circle" | "rect" | "cone" | "ray"

        The type of template

    Returns null | AbilityTemplate

    • The template object, or null if the data does not produce a template

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