Action pseudo-document


  • ItemAction



_sheet: ItemActionSheet = null
apps: Record<number, Application<ApplicationOptions>> = {}
conditionals: any
data: InsertKeys<{
    _id: any;
    ability: any;
    actionType: any;
    activation: any;
    alignments: any;
    ammo: any;
    area: any;
    attackBonus: any;
    attackName: any;
    attackNotes: any;
    conditionals: any;
    critConfirmBonus: any;
    damage: any;
    description: any;
    duration: any;
    effectNotes: any;
    enh: any;
    extraAttacks: any;
    held: any;
    img: any;
    material: any;
    measureTemplate: any;
    name: any;
    naturalAttack: any;
    nonlethal: any;
    powerAttack: any;
    range: any;
    save: any;
    soundEffect: any;
    spellEffect: any;
    splash: any;
    tag: any;
    target: any;
    touch: any;
    uses: any;
}, OmitByValue<{}, never>>

Type declaration

  • _id: any
  • ability: any
  • actionType: any
  • activation: any
  • alignments: any
  • ammo: any
  • area: any
  • attackBonus: any
  • attackName: any
  • attackNotes: any
  • conditionals: any
  • critConfirmBonus: any
  • damage: any
  • description: any
  • duration: any
  • effectNotes: any
  • enh: any
  • extraAttacks: any
  • held: any
  • img: any
  • material: any
  • measureTemplate: any
  • name: any
  • naturalAttack: any
  • nonlethal: any
  • powerAttack: any
  • range: any
  • save: any
  • soundEffect: any
  • spellEffect: any
  • splash: any
  • tag: any
  • target: any
  • touch: any
  • uses: any
parent: ItemPF = null
FALLBACK_IMAGE: string = "systems/pf1/icons/skills/gray_04.jpg"


  • get activation(): string
  • General activation accessor that removes determining which action economy is in use.

    Returns string

  • get alignments(): null | string
  • The action's alignment attributes, or null if the action has no alignment attributes

    Returns null | string

  • get defaultDamageType(): {
        custom: string;
        values: never[];
  • Returns {
        custom: string;
        values: never[];

    • custom: string
    • values: never[]
  • get defaultData(): {
        _id: string;
        ability: {
            attack: string;
            critMult: number;
            critRange: number;
            damage: string;
            damageMult: null;
        actionType: string;
        activation: {
            cost: number;
            type: string;
            unchained: {
                cost: number;
                type: string;
        alignments: {
            chaotic: null;
            evil: null;
            good: null;
            lawful: null;
        ammo: {
            cost: number;
            type: string;
        area: string;
        attackBonus: string;
        attackName: string;
        attackNotes: never[];
        conditionals: never[];
        critConfirmBonus: string;
        damage: {
            critParts: never[];
            nonCritParts: never[];
            parts: never[];
        description: string;
        duration: {
            units: string;
            value: null;
        effectNotes: never[];
        enh: {
            value: null;
        extraAttacks: {
            formula: {
                bonus: string;
                count: string;
                label: string;
            manual: never[];
            type: string;
        held: string;
        img: string;
        material: {
            addon: never[];
            normal: {};
        measureTemplate: {
            color: string;
            size: string;
            texture: string;
            type: string;
        name: string;
        naturalAttack: {
            primaryAttack: boolean;
            secondary: {
                attackBonus: string;
                damageMult: number;
        nonlethal: boolean;
        powerAttack: {
            critMultiplier: number;
            damageBonus: number;
            multiplier: null;
        range: {
            maxIncrements: number;
            minUnits: string;
            minValue: null;
            units: string;
            value: null;
        save: {
            dc: string;
            description: string;
            type: string;
        soundEffect: string;
        spellEffect: string;
        splash: boolean;
        tag: string;
        target: {
            value: string;
        touch: boolean;
        uses: {
            autoDeductChargesCost: string;
            self: {
                maxFormula: string;
                per: string;
                value: number;
  • Returns {
        _id: string;
        ability: {
            attack: string;
            critMult: number;
            critRange: number;
            damage: string;
            damageMult: null;
        actionType: string;
        activation: {
            cost: number;
            type: string;
            unchained: {
                cost: number;
                type: string;
        alignments: {
            chaotic: null;
            evil: null;
            good: null;
            lawful: null;
        ammo: {
            cost: number;
            type: string;
        area: string;
        attackBonus: string;
        attackName: string;
        attackNotes: never[];
        conditionals: never[];
        critConfirmBonus: string;
        damage: {
            critParts: never[];
            nonCritParts: never[];
            parts: never[];
        description: string;
        duration: {
            units: string;
            value: null;
        effectNotes: never[];
        enh: {
            value: null;
        extraAttacks: {
            formula: {
                bonus: string;
                count: string;
                label: string;
            manual: never[];
            type: string;
        held: string;
        img: string;
        material: {
            addon: never[];
            normal: {};
        measureTemplate: {
            color: string;
            size: string;
            texture: string;
            type: string;
        name: string;
        naturalAttack: {
            primaryAttack: boolean;
            secondary: {
                attackBonus: string;
                damageMult: number;
        nonlethal: boolean;
        powerAttack: {
            critMultiplier: number;
            damageBonus: number;
            multiplier: null;
        range: {
            maxIncrements: number;
            minUnits: string;
            minValue: null;
            units: string;
            value: null;
        save: {
            dc: string;
            description: string;
            type: string;
        soundEffect: string;
        spellEffect: string;
        splash: boolean;
        tag: string;
        target: {
            value: string;
        touch: boolean;
        uses: {
            autoDeductChargesCost: string;
            self: {
                maxFormula: string;
                per: string;
                value: number;

    • _id: string
    • ability: {
          attack: string;
          critMult: number;
          critRange: number;
          damage: string;
          damageMult: null;
      • attack: string
      • critMult: number
      • critRange: number
      • damage: string
      • damageMult: null
    • actionType: string
    • activation: {
          cost: number;
          type: string;
          unchained: {
              cost: number;
              type: string;
      • cost: number
      • type: string
      • unchained: {
            cost: number;
            type: string;
        • cost: number
        • type: string
    • alignments: {
          chaotic: null;
          evil: null;
          good: null;
          lawful: null;
      • chaotic: null
      • evil: null
      • good: null
      • lawful: null
    • ammo: {
          cost: number;
          type: string;
      • cost: number
      • type: string
    • area: string
    • attackBonus: string
    • attackName: string
    • attackNotes: never[]
    • conditionals: never[]
    • critConfirmBonus: string
    • damage: {
          critParts: never[];
          nonCritParts: never[];
          parts: never[];
      • critParts: never[]
      • nonCritParts: never[]
      • parts: never[]
    • description: string
    • duration: {
          units: string;
          value: null;
      • units: string
      • value: null
    • effectNotes: never[]
    • enh: {
          value: null;
      • value: null
    • extraAttacks: {
          formula: {
              bonus: string;
              count: string;
              label: string;
          manual: never[];
          type: string;
      • formula: {
            bonus: string;
            count: string;
            label: string;
        • bonus: string
        • count: string
        • label: string
      • manual: never[]
      • type: string
    • held: string
    • img: string
    • material: {
          addon: never[];
          normal: {};
      • addon: never[]
      • normal: {}
      • measureTemplate: {
            color: string;
            size: string;
            texture: string;
            type: string;
        • color: string
        • size: string
        • texture: string
        • type: string
      • name: string
      • naturalAttack: {
            primaryAttack: boolean;
            secondary: {
                attackBonus: string;
                damageMult: number;
        • primaryAttack: boolean
        • secondary: {
              attackBonus: string;
              damageMult: number;
          • attackBonus: string
          • damageMult: number
      • nonlethal: boolean
      • powerAttack: {
            critMultiplier: number;
            damageBonus: number;
            multiplier: null;
        • critMultiplier: number
        • damageBonus: number
        • multiplier: null
      • range: {
            maxIncrements: number;
            minUnits: string;
            minValue: null;
            units: string;
            value: null;
        • maxIncrements: number
        • minUnits: string
        • minValue: null
        • units: string
        • value: null
      • save: {
            dc: string;
            description: string;
            type: string;
        • dc: string
        • description: string
        • type: string
      • soundEffect: string
      • spellEffect: string
      • splash: boolean
      • tag: string
      • target: {
            value: string;
        • value: string
      • touch: boolean
      • uses: {
            autoDeductChargesCost: string;
            self: {
                maxFormula: string;
                per: string;
                value: number;
        • autoDeductChargesCost: string
        • self: {
              maxFormula: string;
              per: string;
              value: number;
          • maxFormula: string
          • per: string
          • value: number


    • Generate attacks.


      • Optional options: {
            bonuses: undefined | boolean;
            conditionals: undefined | boolean;
            full: undefined | boolean;
            resolve: undefined | boolean;
            rollData: undefined | object;
        } = {}


        • bonuses: undefined | boolean

          Include other bonuses. Requires resolve to be enabled.

        • conditionals: undefined | boolean

          Include conditional modifications. Requires resolve to be enabled.

        • full: undefined | boolean

          Full attack

        • resolve: undefined | boolean

          If the bonuses are to be resolved directly.

        • rollData: undefined | object

          Roll data

      Returns object[]

      • Array of attack data
    • Parameters

      • Optional options: {
            rollData: undefined | object;
        } = {}

        Additional options to configure behavior.

        • rollData: undefined | object

          Pre-determined roll data to pass for determining the charge cost.

      Returns number

      Cost in charges for this action.

    • Generates ChatData for this action's parent item, but with this action's data, regardless of whether it is the first action or not.


      • Optional chatDataOptions: object = {}

        Options passed to ItemPF#getChatData affecting the chat data

      Returns Promise<ChatData>

      Chat data for this action's parent and this action

    • Generates lists of conditional subtargets this attack can have.


      • target: string

        The target key, as defined in PF1.conditionTargets.

      Returns {}

      A list of conditionals

      • Parameters

        • Optional rollData: object = null

          Data to pass to the roll. If none is given, get new roll data.

        Returns number

        The Difficulty Class for this action.

      • Returns labels related to this particular action


        • Optional options: {
              rollData: undefined | object;
          } = {}
          • rollData: undefined | object

            Pre-determined roll data. If not provided, finds the action's own roll data.

        Returns Record<string, string>

        This action's labels

      • Get power attack, deadly aim or piranha strike multiplier.


        • Optional options: {
              rollData: undefined | object;
          } = {}

          Additional options

          • rollData: undefined | object

            Roll data instance

        Returns number

        • Effective multiplier
      • Parameters

        • Optional options: {
              rollData: undefined | object;
              type: undefined | "min" | "max" | "single";
          } = {}

          Additional options to configure behavior.

          • rollData: undefined | object

            Specific roll data to pass.

          • type: undefined | "min" | "max" | "single"

            What type of range to query. Either "single" (for a single range increment), "max" or "min".

        Returns null | number

        The given range, in system configured units, or null if no range is applicable.

      • Render all connected application instances.


        • Optional force: boolean = false

          Force rendering

        • Optional context: object = {}

          Optional context

        Returns void

      • Place an attack roll using an item (weapon, feat, spell, or equipment)


        • Optional options: {
              bonus: undefined | string;
              data: undefined | object;
              extraParts: undefined | string[];
              primaryAttack: undefined | boolean;
          } = {}


          • bonus: undefined | string

            Additional attack bonus

          • data: undefined | object

            Roll data

          • extraParts: undefined | string[]

            Additional attack parts

          • primaryAttack: undefined | boolean

            Treat as primary natural attack

        Returns D20RollPF

      • Roll damage for an action.


        • Optional options: {
              conditionalParts: undefined | object;
              critical: undefined | boolean;
              data: undefined | null | object;
              extraParts: undefined | string[];
              primaryAttack: undefined | boolean;
          } = {}

          Options configuring the damage roll

          • conditionalParts: undefined | object

            Conditional data sets

          • critical: undefined | boolean

            Whether to roll critical damage

          • data: undefined | null | object

            rollData to be used

          • extraParts: undefined | string[]

            Additional strings added to the roll formula

          • primaryAttack: undefined | boolean

            Whether this is the primary attack

        Returns Promise<DamageRoll[]>

        Created damage rolls, one roll per damage part

      • Update the action


        • updateData: object

          Update data

        • context: object = {}

          Update context

        Returns Promise<void>

      • Creates an action.


        • data: object[]

          Data to initialize the action(s) with.

        • context: {
              parent: undefined | ItemPF;
          } = {}

          An object containing context information.

          • parent: undefined | ItemPF

            The parent entity to create the action within.

        Returns Promise<(undefined | ItemAction)[]>

        The resulting actions, or an empty array if nothing was created.

      Generated using TypeDoc