Combatant extension.


  • Combatant
    • CombatantPF


  • Parameters

    • data: undefined | CombatantDataConstructorData

      Initial data provided to construct the Combatant document

    • context: undefined | Context<Combat>

      The document context, see foundry.abstract.Document

    Returns CombatantPF


resource: null | number | boolean | `${number}`


  • Override the default Initiative formula to customize special behaviors of the game system. Apply tiebreaker if desired See Combat._getInitiativeFormula for more detail.


    • Optional d20: string

      Default check roll

    Returns string

    Initiative formula

  • Duplicate combatant with added data.


    • data: object = {}

      Override data

    • context: object = {}

      Creation context

    Returns Promise<Combatant>

    • Created combatant
  • Get unevaluated initiative roll instance.


    • Optional formula: string

      Initiative formula override

    • Optional d20: string = null

      D20 override

    • Optional bonus: number = null

      Bonus to initiative

    Returns D20RollPF

    Initiative roll instance

    Synchronized with Foundry VTT 10.291

  • Combat tracker resource update. Required to deal with 0 values disappearing with core implementation

    Synchronized with Foundry 10.291

    Returns any

    Resource value.

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