A single material type entry in the Materials registry.





  • Check if a given material is okay to be added to our materials list


    • item: ItemPF

      Whether we're checking weapons or equipment

    Returns boolean

    • Whether the material is allowed for the given item
  • Check if a given addon material is valid for the chosen material


    • material: string | ItemPF | Material

      Item, material, or material ID for which to test if this addon is valid.

    Returns null | boolean

    • Null if the provided parameter is invalid, boolean otherwise.
  • Returns {
        _id: any;
        addon: any;
        allowed: any;
        armor: any;
        baseMaterial: any;
        dr: any;
        flags: any;
        hardness: any;
        hardnessMultiplier: any;
        healthBonus: any;
        healthMultiplier: any;
        healthPerInch: any;
        incompatible: any;
        intrinsic: any;
        masterwork: any;
        name: any;
        namespace: any;
        price: any;
        primitive: any;
        shield: any;
        shortName: any;
        treatedAs: any;
        weight: any;

    • _id: any
    • addon: any
    • allowed: any
    • armor: any
    • baseMaterial: any
    • dr: any
    • flags: any
    • hardness: any
    • hardnessMultiplier: any
    • healthBonus: any
    • healthMultiplier: any
    • healthPerInch: any
    • incompatible: any
    • intrinsic: any
    • masterwork: any
    • name: any
    • namespace: any
    • price: any
    • primitive: any
    • shield: any
    • shortName: any
    • treatedAs: any
    • weight: any

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