String to convert
options: { Additional options
If false, number prefix is removed.
If false, underscore is removed.
Do not forcibly lowercase everything.
Automatic camel case
Replacement for disallowed characters.
pf1.utils.createTag("Wizard of Oz 2"); // => "wizardOfOz2"
pf1.utils.createTag("Wizard of Oz 2", {camelCase:false}); // => wizardofoz2
pf1.utils.createTag("Wizard of Oz 2", {camelCase:false,allowUpperCase:true}); // => WizardofOz2
pf1.utils.createTag("d'Artagnan"); // => dartagnan
pf1.utils.createTag("d'Artagnan", {allowUpperCase:true}); // => dArtagnan
Generated using TypeDoc
Creates a tag from a string.