Extend the basic ActorSheet class to do all the PF things! This sheet is an Abstract layer which is not used.






_activateExtendedTooltip _adjustActorPropertyBySpan _alterDropItemData _applySectionFilter _canDragStart _canShowRange _clearSearch _computeEncumbrance _convertCurrency _createPlaceholders _duplicateItem _editSkill _focusTabByItem _getTooltipContext _hideShowElement _initializeFilterItemList _itemActivationControl _itemPreparedToggle _mouseWheelAdd _moveTooltips _onArbitrarySkillCreate _onControlAlignment _onDragMiscStart _onDragSaveStart _onDragSkillStart _onDragStart _onDropCurrency _onDropItem _onDropItemCreate _onEditCondition _onInputText _onItemCreate _onItemDelete _onItemEdit _onItemGive _onItemRoll _onItemSplit _onItemSummary _onLevelUp _onOpenCompendiumBrowser _onOpenCompendiumEntry _onPointBuyCalculator _onResistanceSelector _onRest _onRollAbilityTest _onRollAttack _onRollBAB _onRollCL _onRollConcentration _onRollInitiative _onRollSavingThrow _onRollSkillCheck _onSensesSelector _onSkillCreate _onSkillDelete _onSkillEdit _onSpanTextInput _onSubmit _onToggleCondition _onToggleFilter _onToggleSkillLock _onTraitSelector _prepareDuplicateItem _prepareHiddenElements _prepareItem _prepareItems _prepareSenseLabels _prepareSkills _prepareSkillsets _prepareSpellbook _prepareTraits _quickAction _quickCarryItem _quickChangeItemQuantity _quickEquipItem _quickIdentifyItem _render _renderInner _searchFilterChange _searchFilterCommit _searchFilterCompositioning _selectOnClick _setBuffLevel _setFeatUses _setItemActive _setMaxSpellUses _setSpellUses _sortNewItem _updateItems _updateObject activateListeners calculateSellItemValue calculateTotalItemValue getData openItemSummary setItemUpdate



_filters: Set<any>

Track the set of item filters which are applied

_hiddenElems: {}

Track hidden elements of the sheet.

Type declaration

    effectiveSearch: {}

    Type declaration

      searchCompositioning: boolean

      Item search

      searchDelay: number
      searchDelayEvent: null | Timeout
      searchRefresh: boolean


      • get defaultOptions(): {
            classes: string[];
            dragDrop: {
                dragSelector: string;
            scrollY: string[];
            tabs: {
                contentSelector: string;
                group: string;
                initial: string;
                navSelector: string;
      • Returns {
            classes: string[];
            dragDrop: {
                dragSelector: string;
            scrollY: string[];
            tabs: {
                contentSelector: string;
                group: string;
                initial: string;
                navSelector: string;

        • classes: string[]
        • dragDrop: {
              dragSelector: string;
        • scrollY: string[]
        • tabs: {
              contentSelector: string;
              group: string;
              initial: string;
              navSelector: string;


      • Allow drag start always. Foundry blocks this if sheet is not editable, which blocks copying items.


        • selector: string

          Selector string

        Returns boolean

      • Opens a dialog to edit a skill.


        • skillId: string

          The id of the skill in question.

        • Optional subSkillId: string

          The id of the subskill, if appropriate.

        Returns Promise<void>

      • Private


        • fullId: string

          Target ID

        • context: object

          Context object to store data into

        Returns void


        • If provided ID is invalid.
      • Private

        Initialize Item list filters by activating the set of filters which are currently applied


        • _i: any
        • ul: Element

        Returns void

      • Parameters

        • event: DragEvent
        • type: "attack" | "bab" | "cmb" | "concentration" | "cl" | "defenses" | "initiative" | "abilityScore"
        • Optional subType: string

          Type specific subtype

        Returns void

      • Private

        Handle creating a new Owned Item for the actor using initial data defined in the HTML dataset


        • event: Event

        Returns Promise<StoredDocument<Document<any, ActorPF, Metadata<any>>>[]>

      • Private

        Handle rolling of an item from the Actor sheet, obtaining the Item instance and dispatching to it's roll method


        • event: any

        Returns undefined | Promise<void | ChatMessage>

      • Private

        Handle spawning the ActorResistanceSelector application which allows a number entry of multiple trait options


        • event: Event

          The click event which originated the selection

        Returns void

      • Parameters

        • event: any
        • __namedParameters: {
              preventClose: undefined | boolean;
              preventRender: undefined | boolean;
              updateData: undefined | null;
          } = {}
          • preventClose: undefined | boolean
          • preventRender: undefined | boolean
          • updateData: undefined | null

        Returns Promise<void>

      • Private

        Handle toggling of filters to display a different set of owned items


        • event: Event

          The click event which triggered the toggle

        Returns void

      • Private

        Handle spawning the ActorTraitSelector application which allows a checkbox of multiple trait options


        • event: Event

          The click event which originated the selection

        Returns void

      • Parameters

        • itemData: any
        • __namedParameters: {
              rename: undefined | boolean;
          } = {}
          • rename: undefined | boolean

        Returns void

      • Private

        Insert a spell into the spellbook object when rendering the character sheet


        • data: object

          The Actor data being prepared

        • spells: any[]

          The spell data being prepared

        • bookKey: string

          The key of the spellbook being prepared

        Returns {
            canPrepare: boolean;
            create: {
                system: {
                    school: string;
                type: string;
            data: any;
            domain: any;
            hasIssues: any;
            id: string;
            interface: {
                create: boolean;
            invalidKnown: any;
            invalidSlots: any;
            isSchool: any;
            items: never[];
            known: any;
            label: any;
            level: number;
            lowAbilityScore: any;
            lowLevel: any;
            mismatchKnown: any;
            mismatchSlots: any;
            preparation: any;
            slots: any;
            spontaneous: any;
            uses: any;
            usesSlots: boolean;
            valid: boolean;

      • Activate event listeners using the prepared sheet HTML


        • html: JQuery<HTMLElement>

          The prepared HTML object ready to be rendered into the DOM

        Returns void

      • Parameters

        • __namedParameters: {
              inLowestDenomination: undefined | boolean;
              recursive: undefined | boolean;
          } = {}
          • inLowestDenomination: undefined | boolean
          • recursive: undefined | boolean

        Returns number

      • Parameters

        • __namedParameters: {
              inLowestDenomination: undefined | boolean;
              recursive: undefined | boolean;
          } = {}
          • inLowestDenomination: undefined | boolean
          • recursive: undefined | boolean

        Returns number

      • Add some extra data when rendering the sheet to reduce the amount of logic required within the template.

        Returns Promise<{
            actor: ActorPF;
            config: config;
            cssClass: string;
            document: ActorPF;
            editable: boolean;
            effects: EmbeddedCollection<typeof ActiveEffect, ActorData>;
            hasHD: boolean;
            isCharacter: boolean;
            isGM: boolean;
            itemTypes: ItemTypesMap;
            limited: boolean;
            options: Options;
            owner: boolean;
            race: null | PropertiesToSource<ItemDataBaseProperties>;
            skillsLocked: boolean;
            sourceData: {};
            unchainedActions: unknown;
            units: {
                distance: {
                    overland: string;
                    tactical: string;
                weight: string;
            usesAnySpellbook: boolean;

      • Toggle inline display of an item's summary/description by expanding or hiding info div


        • elem: JQuery<HTMLElement>

          The element to open. Likely will have the item class in CSS.

        • Optional instant: boolean = {}

          Whether to instantly show the expansion (true), or animate it (false)

        Returns Promise<void>

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